COL partnered with Southern Plains Land Trust to expand Heartland Ranch by protecting an additional 17,899 acres of shortgrass prairie in Bent County! Southern Plains Land Trust owns and manages the property as a wildlife refuge focused on five priorities: American bison, black-footed ferret, prairie elk, grassland breeding birds, and beaver and prairie streams.

This addition of protected land creates a contiguous area of nearly 43,000 acres of conserved habitat for the flora and fauna that thrive within it. In addition to shortgrass prairie, the property also features dramatic rock-covered mesas, lush canyons, juniper woodlands, and miles of streams. Habitat is provided for many Colorado Species of Concern including ferruginous hawk, swift fox, plains leopard frogs, as well as the burrowing owl, which is designated Threatened by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Elk, mule deer, and pronghorn traverse the property as well.

Heartland is home to a herd of bison, pictured here with babies. American bison were on the brink of extinction in the past, and to combat that, were often bred with cattle to help the species survive. The herd on Heartland Ranch includes bison with the same genes as their wild ancestors.
Photo courtesy of Lauren McCain/Southern Plains Land Trust