Protecting land and water for people and wildlife

Protecting land and water for people and wildlife

Protecting land and water for people and wildlife

What We Do

Colorado Open Lands believes that Colorado’s lands and waters are critically important to our unmatched quality of life.  Our work is dedicated to ensuring their continued preservation for future generations.  Our conservation successes to date include:


Acres of land






miles of waterways

Latest News

Tucker Open Space – permanently protected!

Tucker Open Space is a 323-acre property that had been in private ownership until 2020 when it was purchased by Boulder County.   ”This unique property, with its vast array of environmental resources, has been on the wish list for Boulder County’s open space program...

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LGM Farms – permanently protected!

Colorado Open Lands is pleased to announce the permanent protection of this 272-acre agricultural property in Rio Grande County, which has been owned by the Schaefer family since the 1940s. It contains irrigated meadows and pasture and a ½-mile of frontage along the...

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