TLC Ranch is 1,236.5 acres and is located in the upper part of the Ohio Creek Valley of Gunnison County, approximately 13 miles northwest of the City of Gunnison. The ranch is managed for hay production and livestock grazing. It’s comprised of sloping hillsides and terraces covered with sagebrush, montane forest, native mountain grass and forb vegetation, and irrigated meadows.
Habitat is provided for bald eagle, ferruginous hawk, Gunnison sage-grouse (federally listed as Threatened), and northern leopard frog (all Colorado Species of Concern). The property is within the northernmost reach of Gunnison sage-grouse habitat in the Ohio Creek Valley. Black bear, elk, moose, mountain lion, and mule deer can also be found on TLC Ranch, and the property is part of a migration corridor for elk and mule deer and a production area for elk.
Ohio Creek Valley is a stunning valley with lush, irrigated fields surrounded by National Forest lands and the West Elk Mountains. Development pressure in this valley is high due to the proximity to Gunnison and Crested Butte, recreational access, and the beautiful scenery. Conservation efforts in this valley have resulted in much of the land being protected with Colorado Open Lands and our conservation partners. TLC Ranch is located within 5 miles of 17 conservation projects conserving over 8,700 acres.