

Connect with Colorado open lands!

Colorado Open Lands hosts a variety of signature events throughout the year! Join us for an upcoming gala, community open house, or a day tour out on a conserved property.

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Outreach Events

An important part of the mission of Colorado Open Lands is to ensure continued public support for conservation – best accomplished by educating Coloradans about the important connection between conserved lands and our quality of life. Throughout the year, Colorado Open Lands hosts free, educational, and meaningful outreach events for the Colorado community. Learn more!

A picnic at an urban farm.

Cheers for Conservation

Colorado Open Lands hosts Cheers for Conservation to celebrate the leaders, landowners, and landscapes of Colorado. The event has a dual purpose: as a fundraiser to support COL’s conservation work, and to honor an individual or group for their lifetime of achievements in support of Colorado’s outdoors, land conservation, and open space. Our next Cheers for Conservation will be held in the Fall of 2025.  Learn more!

A full room at a gala event.

For Love of the Land

For Love of the Land is our biennial Spring gala celebrating Colorado Open Lands’ innovative work within land and water conservation. Leaders in conservation, business and philanthropy come together to further our mission to protect land and water for people and wildlife. Our next For Love of the Land Gala will be held in the Spring of 2026. Learn more!

If you support this work, make a gift or sign up for updates today!